
Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010


friend ..beautiful memories will not be forgotten sweet memories will always be remembered all the ups and downs we have been through together
friend.. time will not be repeated time will continue to rotate but I'm sure a friend, we would not be separated
friend.. will the remain the same today as tomorrow? allow you to remain my friend forever? or is it all just get here?
friend.. possible what I want the same as what you want what I dreamed about the same as you dream. I can only hope. This friendship will not fade forever.

by : (My Friend ALmas when at JHS)

Pride Of Love

When I see him
Careful not to fall in love 
But .. 
Difficult to avoid 
When far from it 
This heart always made uneasy
Thinking of you .. 
Want of you ..  
Really a matter that was never wanted. 
1001 means that I do not fall in love at all. 
But guess it's always pounding every time I see you.

Sense of a difficult suspected to previous 
There is the same as "arrogance of love"? 
Who always try to cover everything? 
I hope God hears the prayer of my little heart. 
That I wanted his to know 
I really liked it.

Sweet Of Setences

Love was not as soft as love
Can in a sense but nobody can touch

But without human lovefeel dry and lonely

May feel happy
but not happy

May be able to laughbut not happy

And love is what makes friendship is everlasting

It only took one minute to destroy a person's heart
an hour to like someone.
one day to love someone.
but it takes a lifetime to forget someone
(From my oLder sister 'Dyah Ayu Pujiastuti') 

Cerita-Cerita Lucu

"Pas SMA aku pernah diajar sama seorang guru yang tulalit.Hari itu karena tidak mengerjakan tugas, aku dimarahi beliau di kantornya, lalu pak guru itu mencatat namaku di buku nilainya, tapi dengan nama yang salah.Dia pikir, aku adalah temanku yang kebetulan wajahnya mirip, tapi aku diam saja.Saat penerimaan rapor, temanku bingung kenapa nilai PPKNnya jadi turun.Dengan santai, aku bilang ke dia untuk maklum saja karena guru itu memang tulalit.Seandainya temanku tahu yang sebenarnya. (by: cosmo tabloid)

"Bulan lalu, gue pergi ke sebuah acara musik.Pas jam 8 malam, penonton semakin ramai.Tiba-tiba di tebgah keramaian, gue melihat seorang teman yang seharusnya sedang berada di Malaysia.Langsung saja gue menghampiri dia, lalu memukul pundaknya dan bilang, "Heyy, yang !!Kok loe bisa bisa ada disini.Bukannya loe ada di Malaysia ?" Ketika dia menengok, gue baru sadar bahwa gue salah orang !! Ternyata, cewek itu bukan teman gue, tapi wajahnya aja yang mirip.Gue pasrah saja mendapat tatapan heran dari dia plus dari teman-temannya.Habis itu gue buru-buru minta maav dan menjauh dari mereka.Tapi gue masih bisa mendengar teman-temannya menertawakan gue."(by :cosmo tabloid)

Doa yang Terkabul

Setiap hari aku melaukan tanpa mengenal lelah..
Pada-Mu Tuhan aku memohon..
Untuk mendapatkan yang aku inginkan
Dan akhirnya Kau mendengar doaku

Yang ku inginkan selama ini
Di waktu ultah kau hadir
Tuhan menjabah doaku
Dia hadir di acara ultahku

Betapa senangnya diriku
Karena doaku terkabuul
Sungguh Maha Besar Engkau Tuhan
Dan aku tidak ingin mengeluh

Dia berikan kejutan untukku
Sungguh buatku tak berdaya
Ternyata selama ini yang aku inginkan tidak sia-sia
Karena Tuhan mendengar doaku

By : Laras (when im stiLL Junior High SchooL))

Kumpulan Pantun Jenaka

Sehelai rambut si buah duku
Si buah jamblang di atas jerami
Wahailah ingat saudaraku
Bantulah korban badai tsunami

Buah mangga buah delima
Dimakan manis enak rasanya
Siapa menyangka, siapa mengira
Anak yang manis buruk hatinya

Dari mana datangnya lalat
Kalau bukan dari pasar
Dari mana datangnya surat
Kalau bukan dari pacar

Buat apa pergi ke pasar
Kalau hanya beli peniti
Buat apa bermain cinta
Kalau hanya untuk di sakiti

Jangan suka makan ketimun
Ketimun itu banyak getahnya
Jangan suka anda melamun
Melamun itu tiada gunanya

Soto babat campur usus
Punya sahabat jangan diputus

Jangan lupa beli gitar
Beli gitar warna coklat
Buat apa punya pacar
Kalau tidak rajin sholat

Dibuka hari kamis
Ditutup hari minggu
Dibuka dengan salam manis
Ditutup dengan salam rindu

Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

Lulur Natural White

Promo Lulur Asli Jakarta and Fresh!!

Aroma(Milk, Bengkuang, Avocado, Frangipani, Jasmine, Honey, Sandalwood, Coffee, Chocolate, Spice, Seaweed, Coconut, Green Tea, Boreh(Bali Cream), Cempaka, Lavender, Strawberry)
Harga : Rp 8.000,- /pcs (tanpa minimum order)/Grosir : Rp 10.000,- /pcs (minimal 20 pcs)

Body Butter
Aroma(Milk Bengkuang,Chocolate,Green Tea,Strawberry,Papaya, Kiwi, Avocado)
Harga : Rp 13.000,- /pcs (tanpa minimum order)

Mau Harga Lebih Murah Lagi? Silahkan Comment dan jangan lupa ratenya..^^
Burruuann Dechh..!!

Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

Popeye The Sailorman And His Lived

Once upon the time lived a handsome boy with his wife. His name popeye and her name olive. Olive always hard worked and especially her always loyal with popeye. Popeye is sailorman and lived at the ship who to sailing.

One day, something happened to popeye and olive. When olive alone at the room, Brutus kidnapped olive.And after that no more need long time, popeye know and panic when his saw at room, olive not there.

 Time arrived for popeye to find olive. Before popeye went, he ate spinach, Because spinach had spirit to popeye. Not for long time, popeye meet with brutus. And brutus smile with slyness, Reason Brutus why his kidnapped olive because brutus love olive and popeye get olive heart  from all here, Brutus more and more want to revenge.

And Popeye fight so hard with brutus  popeye conquering brutus with so easy. And finally brutus receiving all defeat. From all the quarrels, popeye ar e the winner and can to take back his beloved are olive. And olive very happy can back to popeye. Especially brutus didn’t never come back again in popeye live.

Avril Lavigne - I'm With You Lyrics

I'm standing on the bridge
I'm waiting in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by now
There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening but there's no sound

Isn't anyone tryin’ to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home?

It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you


I'm looking for a place
I'm searching for a face
Is anybody here I know?
'Cause nothing's going right
And everything’s a mess
And no one likes to be alone

Isn't anyone tryin’ to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home?



Why is everything so confusing?
Maybe I'm just out of my mind
Yeah.. yeah.. yeah!..yeah.. yeah,
yeah.. yeah, yeah yeah,YEAH...
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I....!
I'm with YOU...
I'm with YOU...
Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I!

I'm with you...
I'm with you...

Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I
I'm with you
I'm with you

I'm with you